
Entitled in moderation

I really wish I could pinpoint the exact moment that I developed this aversion to checking messages.

For a long time, it was just my voicemail, but now its expanded to Facebook messages, myspace messages, and even things that come to my AOL account (which is sporadically checked). Its almost as if I got a less than savory message and the negative affect just stuck.

Like, I want to tell people on my voicemail mesage not to leave a message. I know, I know...people have to be able to leave messages, especially since I tend to not always answer my phone, but still. I HATE checking them.

I think this all ultimately stems from one deep seeded concern. Society has seemingly established this rediculous standard of availabilty that we expect of other people, and recprocally hold ourselves to. It's as if we feel entitled that people should get back to us immediately. I don't like feeling like I have to be available just because you called/texted/emailed me.

Email especially burns me though...dont email me at midnight expecting an immediate response! But you cant actually say that to people. Kind of like my voicemail issue - I thank you for calling me and then ask you not to leave a message. [Sidenote: I've been thinking of ways to get around that. How does this sound? Hi, you've reached Patti. Sorry I'm unavailable." That way, I didnt actually ask you to leave a message, I just informed you that you were spending some quality time with my voicemail box...]

I digress.

I kind of miss the days when people casually checked their email. When, if someone didnt get back to you immediately, our minds didnt leap face first into a neverending list of attributions about the person, the situation, or importantly, their implicit thoughts about me. A time where, if someone hadnt gotten back to you yet, you actually assumed they were busy...thats it, just busy.

I'm talking about all of this like there is something I can do about it. As a result, I try to be entitled in moderation...certain emails will ALWAYS be high on the list (think: I needed a response yesterday), but voicemails? Feel free to leave one...at your own risk.


1 comment:

Borrego said...

Let me know when you check this message then.