

I'm not nearly as political as I believe I ought to be.

Researchers who study the self believe that there are 3 possible selves: our actual self (e.g. "Who I am" our ideal self (e.g. "Who I'd like to be when I grow up") and our ought self (e.g. I'd like to be the kind of person who [fill in the blank]).

Generally speaking, I really like me (actual), and my ideal me is a pretty cool chick too. My ought to be is a little more problematic. If I had to fill out one of the possible selves worksheets that I give my students (if you wanna see it, let me know), "into politics" would be at the top of the list. Especially considering we are experiencing history. Literally.

Barack Obama is the official democratic candidate and his primary opposition has selected a woman (yes, you read that right) as his running mate.


Dont get me wrong, its all pretty awesome! But you wouldnt have a clue about my interest if you'd been monitoring my TV viewing this past week. Everyday, people I know have been talking about the convention goings on and up until last night I didnt even know what chanel to turn to. Last night the guilt got to me and I tried to watch some of it, but I was sleepy and distracted...so I DVRd it instead. I am a little sad I missed Hillary interrupt the vote thingie, and that I missed Michelle Obama speak. I heard some snippets on the radio, but was always on the train when they played the entire speech. Perhaps this weekend I'll look them up on YouTube and watch them in their entirety.

Because you see, despite me wishing I was more political, I do actually care about politics. And beneath my veneer, I'm super pumped. I do still retain some of my cyncism about the politicians (thats probably what motivates alot of my non-political behavior) but I want to believe that either way we will take some major steps towards minority equality. And thats what I'm going to do.

Obama 08!

1 comment:

Naturally Blessed said...

yes, yes, yes.....i feel u there.

i did stick it out however and watch all of Obama's speech last nite but was definitely distracted for everyone else, including Gore and i felt that he made several good points.

i'm stunned about McCain's VP choice too! what does this mean? will he be able to sway the Hillary supporters who refuse to vote for Obama?

i dont need this drama right now! i've got a wedding to plan! i completely didnt consider this when choosing the weekend before election to get married. sigh.....