
Shower Me With Your Love

My mama has been on this bridal shower kick. She's asked me about it a few different times. I don't know if this means she has ideas, or she's looking forward to hosting a party, or what. But eventually I pacified her by saying I'd be sure and mention it to the MOHs. I've only managed to mention it to Dani so far and I think I almost freaked her out (I think she had shower planning pegged for early 2009...and rightfully so).

So I got to thinking about bridal showers and all the fun ideas for them. I cant say I've actually attended a bridal shower before, so I only have what I see on TV and read about on blogs to go on. I have gone to a baby shower...but only 2 and those were both pretty fun.

So for those of you out there who are interested in hosting/attending/giving input on a shower, here are some sparky* things:

1. Party til you drop. Mom and I have tossed around the practicaility of doing multiple events in one day, like shower by day and bachelorette by night. Why would you ever want to combine 2 glorious events into a 24 hour period you say? Because if youre like me and your bridesmaids live (literally) all over, that may be the only time to get everyone together. Not that its a requirement for them all to be there, but still...

2. Going to a lesson/class for the shower. I read earlier today about a bride who had her shower at Sur La Table. I've never actually been a Sur La Table, but from looking at their site, it totally seems like the kind of place I'd be in to. Plus, if you have it at a location, its both a party and an experience, and maybe people can learn something to boot. I'm a big fan of LetsDish (and lesser so of WeekDay Gourmet here in Athens), but both businesses encourage private parties, and technically a shower could be a private party. Plus theres cooking/food prep and food eating...sounds yummy to me. I've also read about

3. Take advantage of the opportunity to have all those hands on deck. My BM Tamerah did this when her sister Paula got married a little while ago. They turned things like favor-box folding into shower games! Whoever folded the most boxes got a prize. Although my favors wont be boxed, they will need to be assembled, and if I had one of these showers it would definitely have to be at home. But you have to admit, all that extra help around would be a complete God-send for any DIY projects you had brewing.

4. Put your bridesmaids to work. This is the first I had ever read of it, but it was a pretty cute idea. Essentially, the bride invited her bridesmaids to a party at a store where they make custom bags - and the finished bags are the bridesmaids gifts! If you're interested in where they went and what they made (they were very cute by the way) you can click here. However, this idea could be very easily transferred to a jewelry making party. The best part is that the ladies could choose whatever they wanted to make. It didnt have to be for the wedding day, although I think a few of them went that route. Idunno, something MJ said about not wanting to wear the jewelry the bride gave them (a typical BM gift) is sticking with me...so much so that I'm leaning heavily towards not dictating jewelry. I digress...this idea has alot of things I love: personalization, choicefulness, and fabulousness....all in all an awesome shower idea.

Those were the probably the four top shower things that have come across my plate lately. But now that I'm thinking about it, I am even more excited about the idea of my own shower - whatever kind it will be. I know its going to be wonderfully fun. Hopefully I wont have to plan it (I told Dani the other day if I had to plan it I wasnt having one.I was having a bad day). Running now because I'm supposed to be cleaning. I'm so supposed to be cleaning. But I couldnt leave without depositing these little ideas down - for both your viewing pleasure and for my seriously sketchy short term memory.

*sparky = Patti-slang for "things that spark my interest"

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