
Like I need one more project this year

I read alot of books.

Not as many as I used to, but enough to legitimately claim it on my current list of favorite ways to spend my time, and definitely more than most other people I know. Yeah, I'm popping my coat collar...just slightly, cause its super cold outside these days.

Blame it on my self-induced commute twice-weekly. I do. MARTA and I share our quality time with whatever I'm reading at the time.

In actuality, I honestly have no idea how many books I read a year. I know I read alot, but thats all I got. So my plan for 2009 is to actually document what I've been ingesting. No, school books won't count. Just the "fun" stuff...the stuff I choose. Speaking of choosing, I randomly chose 50 books as the goal. I should probably just use this year as a baseline, and then set a goal for 2010.

Yeah, that sounds like a plan.
Ready to see how many books I can read this year?
Then lets go!

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