
Someone has a birthday coming up...

My birthday is exactly a week from today, and I'm ordering my birthday cake. No, I dont have a problem ordering my own cake...it really is the best way to make sure you get what you want - lol.

I believe I've decided on a 1/4 sheet buttercream (of course) cake, with red, orange, and yellow decorations. Initially I was thinking polka dots, but I'll settle for roses. I like roses...perhaps a little more than the next person.

Anyway, the decorations are completely null and void if my name is spelled wrong. Considering I've spelled it twice for the Publix lady on the phone, I fully expect for it to be spelled correctly. If not, I have no problem asking them to re-do it. I can be really gangsta when I need to be...channeling all my inner Patricia Ann :)

Since Publix lady has just read back my order to me (complete with spelling out my name p-a-t-t-i), I am pleased and running off now.

T-minus seven days til the birthday, 5 days til the roadtrip home. Counting both down...

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