
Propositions and Stepping

So, I'm sitting here generally overthinking my life (whats new right) when I get an IM from a friend of mine who I've grown rather fond of ever since he told me that he wanted me to be his girlfriend since William and I had broken up, but in the meantime I could be his secret girlfriend since I wasnt supposed to tell anyone about his (secret) desire.

Cute, right? Totally embracing the secret girl friend title. Makes me smile, feel special, ya'll know how I do.

So tonight, Im sitting here talking to him, alerting him to my two planned trips to South Florida for Thanskgiving and Christmas so he can add hanging out with me to his plans, when he asks me to be his girlfriend when I come into town. At first I kinda laughed it off, but then I went back and read it and was like "as in a 4-day committment?" and he said "yes."

At first I kinda giggled (honestly, I think thats my defense mechanism ya'll) but then I was like, it may not be quite so bad. Kinda like a relationship test run. So I asked next, what would it entail, and he said dinner, movies, and other more x-rated things, and that was when I realized he was kinda serious.

Step 1: Secret Girlfriend
Step 2: Temporary/Trial Run Girlfriend
Step 3: ????

Idunno. Needless to say, I told him that Thanksgiving might not be the best time for all of that. But maybe over the Christmas break. I'll essentially be at home for 3 weeks with a whole lot of nothing to do. I wont be working, maybe doing some reading, but mostly just doin nothing, especially until Dionne isnt working. I do feel special though that he thought of me in that way. And I could go for some decent company (from someone out of school and with a job that can take ME out for a change)...

So maybe.


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