
Spread love, its the PK way

Why have a cell phone if you arent really going to use it?

Thats a question I ask myself often. But I think my friends ask it even more frequently than I do. Why? Because I dont call. And sadly, Im okay with that. They key is that your friends should understand that it IS possible to show love over IMs. Just because I dont call, it doesnt mean I'm not thinking about you. Now, if I dont IM you, THEN (and only then) should you begin to be worried.

Why call if you can just IM someone? I know its kinda anti-social, but for me, IMming is social. Its not just chat, its a lifestyle. Other thanw3 way, how many other ways can you think that you can have multiple distinct conversations with people who may or may not know each other? You just cant. And emailing is soooo slow. Imming is fast, easy, and just non-social enough to be polite. If you dont want to talk to someone, you can a) keep them on your buddy list and just keep tabs on them or b)keep them on your buddy list so you know when to act busy or to just not respond, or c) just dont respond if/when they IM you. The thing about IMs is that rarely does the other person know what youre doing at your house while theyre at their house/job. Unless they have witnessed the injustices that you bestow upoin others, most people dont think anything of it. And they usually think they are the only one youre talking to. You can usually pull that off too. Except when (like me this afternoon) I had one too many tasks that I was trying to multi-task and Erik got the short end of the stick..I had gotten all caught up in some Lethe drama (which by the way, I miss) and forgot to click on the link to look at the glasses at Target.com.

So yeah, the lesson there, if youre going to be a non-caller, at least you can be an attentive IMer. For some, they feed you to let you know they love and care about you. Me? I give shoutouts in my IMs; I put up away mesages before running off; I direct connect; and I dont sign off so you can leave me nice messages when I've gone to bed. Like I said, its a way of life..


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